COVID-19 Guidelines
Every effort has been made to keep us all Safe and Well. The following is a broad outline of what we have put in place:
- No more than 20 people in the Stadium (this includes family) – as we should have 18 players, that only leaves space for 2 additional persons
- No Doubles matches to be played
- Sanitisation points have been placed around the stadium
- Toilets can be used – no more than 2 persons at a time
- The only seating allowed to be used is down with the Courts
- No Kitchen or Water available, so bring your own Water Bottles (not to be kept on Court), place them on seats behind courts.
- The balcony is completely off limits (including seating)
- So, the only place you should be is on the Court, unless you need the toilet facilities
- You will be given a sanitised ball at the start of Play and it must be returned at the end of Play (for sanitisation)
- Each Table, Chair (including Umpire’s) and seating is to be cleaned at the completion of your teams play (cleaning material will be supplied).
- Badminton Stadium is OUT OF BOUNDS
- Office is off limits to everyone, except the Grade Coordiantor
- NO TOUCHING COURT TABLE at any time (no wiping of hands on table)
- Score Card Flippers are NOT TO BE USED - disposable paper score cards will be provided for each game
- Upon entering you will be required to sanitise your hands and complete the attendance form (Date-Time, Name & Phone Number) and complete the time you leave upon leaving.
- Markings have been placed on the floor and Court chairs to assist everyone in keeping to the social distancing guidelines.